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Page last updated at 16:44 GMT, Sunday, 26 October 2008

Colombian army frees Farc hostage


Colombia's army says it has rescued a former member of Congress, Oscar Tulio Lizcano, from left-wing Farc rebels who abducted him in 2000.

The operation was conducted in the mountains of the region of Choco, in Tamana, San Jose del Palmar municipality, it said.

Two years ago, Colombian troops rescued Mr Lizcano's son, who had been kidnapped by another rebel group.

A number of high-profile hostages are among some 700 still held by Farc.

In July, the Colombian army rescued the best known of the captives, former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt.

The left-wing rebel group says it wishes to exchange its captives for members held in Colombian prisons.

Mr Lizcano, a former Conservative Party MP, 62, was abducted on 5 August 2000, in Caldas province.

"The army and the police, in a joint intelligence operation, succeeded in rescuing Doctor Lizcano at 0815 in the morning (1315 GMT)," AFP news agency quoted an official as saying.

His wife, Martha, called Mr Lizcano's captivity "eight years of great suffering".

The Marxist Farc rebels have been waging a 44-year-long guerrilla war against the Colombian government.

Another left-wing rebel group, the National Liberation Army, is believed to be holding up to 2,000 people hostage in remote jungle and mountain camps.

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