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Last Updated: Monday, 13 December, 2004, 12:43 GMT
Rare anti-Mubarak demo in Cairo
Anti-Mubarak protest
The protest took place outside Cairo's Supreme Judiciary buildings
Hundreds of Egyptians have defied a ban on public protests to call for an end to Hosni Mubarak's 23-year presidency.

Surrounded by helmeted riot police in Cairo, protesters held banners saying "Enough" and "No more extensions".

Organisers describe it as Egypt's first protest against Mr Mubarak, believed by many to be grooming his son to take over next year when his term ends.

Mr Mubarak, 76, has not made his plans clear for the October 2005 poll, but has ruled out hereditary succession.

Sunday's protest outside Cairo's supreme judiciary building was a largely silent affair. Several dozen demonstrators put stickers saying "enough" over their mouths.

This is the first protest demanding ending [Mubarak's] rule... We've entered a new phase
Magdi Ahmed Hussein
Islamist activist
Other banners said "No heredity, no succession" and "No to Mubarak, his party and his son".

Associated Press reported that after the demonstration, hundreds of security forces surrounded the offices of veteran opposition activist Kamal Khalil, who spoke out at the protest.

"Leave, enough," he is quoted as saying. "this silent protest is against inheriting the ruling regime by Gamal Mubarak [his son] and against Mubarak's fifth term."


Islamist activist Magdi Ahmed Hussein called it an "historic" protest whose significance was greater than the number of people who participate.

"This is the first protest demanding ending his rule... We've entered a new phase," he said.

Nawal Saadawi and husband Sherif Hetata
Novelist Nawal Saadawi is also seeking the presidency

Also at the protest was feminist novelist Nawal Saadawi - who says she will nominate herself as a candidate to replace the president next year.

"I'm happy to see that at least 1,000 men and women have the courage to take it to the street to say no to heredity, no to extensions, no to dictatorship and repression," she told reporters.

Under the current constitution, Egypt does not hold direct presidential elections.

Parliament - which is dominated by Mr Mubarak's National Democratic Party - nominates a single presidential candidate, whose name then goes to a national referendum.

Boston Globe In Egypt, a rare public protest against Mubarak - 30 hrs ago
Jordan Times Egyptians protest Mubarak's running for 5th term - 39 hrs ago
CNN Egyptians protest fifth term for Mubarak - 40 hrs ago
Al Jazeera Rally held against Mubarak fifth term - 42 hrs ago
Herald Tribune 1,000 Protesters Oppose Mubarak in Cairo - 42 hrs ago
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