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BBC News
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Last Updated: Thursday, 18 August 2005, 13:13 GMT 14:13 UK
In pictures: Pope visits Germany
Young people wait for Pope
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Pope Benedict XVI's arrival in Cologne was eagerly anticipated by youngsters gathered in Germany for World Youth Day.
Sniffer dog
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Security was tight before his arrival - with sniffer dogs checking the aircraft steps.
Pope Benedict XVI
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But when the Pope finally left the plane, he received a rousing, if blustery, reception.
Pope Benedict XVII and German dignitaries
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The visit to his native Germany is the Pope's first major foreign trip since his election after the death of John Paul II.
Pope Benedict XVI (left) and German President Horst Koehler
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Addressing the crowds, the Pope said Germans could be proud of their long tradition of openness to the global community.
Woman poses with cardboard Pope
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In Cologne, pilgrims have been getting their photos taken with the Pope - or at least his cardboard copy.
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A French nun and a priest stood on top of barriers in front of Cologne cathedral as they awaited the Pope's arrival.
World Youth Day pilgrims in Cologne
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Popemania has gripped Germany - and thousands are expected to attend his appearances during his visit.



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