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Wednesday, 7 November, 2001, 15:23 GMT
Boulding courts success
Michael Boulding gave up his tennis career to be a professional footballer
Boulding is keen to make up for lost time with Grimsby
By BBC Sport Online's Richard Hughes

Not so long ago a trip to Wimbledon meant something very different to Grimsby striker Michael Boulding.

Instead of looking forward to 90 minutes at Selhurst Park, Boulding would have been focused on an altogether different sporting challenge.

The 25-year-old Yorkshireman is making a name for himself in Division One after less than three seasons in the Nationwide League.

Travelling the world to play tennis seemed incredible but the actual reality is very different
Michael Boulding

But before staring his football career, Boulding was one of the top tennis players in the country.

Ranked in the top 20 in Britain, he shared a room with Tim Henman when not travelling around the world in search of ranking points.

Life as a tennis player is a solitary existence and Boulding switched sports two years ago when offered a contract by Mansfield.

The move to Grimsby followed in September of this year and he has already scored three times in just three league starts for his new club.

An adept schoolboy footballer, Boulding was persuaded to opt for tennis after being talent-spotted at the age of 13.

Boulding played in the Worthington Cup win over Liverpool
Boulding (c) celebrates the victory over Liverpool

"I met Tony Pickard, who was then coaching Stefan Edberg, and he felt I could go far in tennis," said Boulding.

"He was such an influential figure and that swayed it for me.

"When you're young there are so many other footballers and you can get injured but tennis had that glitzy, glamorous appeal.

"Travelling the world to play tennis for a living seemed incredible but the actual reality is very different."

Boulding spent the next 10 years playing tournaments in places like India, South America and the Far East.

He took part in junior Wimbledon and the qualifying rounds for the main event, but simply earning enough money to make a living proved difficult.

I want to improve and reach the highest possible level
Michael Boulding

"Tennis is like golf. It's very top heavy financially and living from day to day away from home is expensive," he said.

"When I was playing tennis I was travelling abroad for about eight or nine months a year.

"You're really on your own. With football you've got the banter each day whereas a lot of tennis players keep to themselves and don't want to give anyone an edge."

Despite spending so much time away from home, the lure of football continued to appeal to Boulding who stayed in touch with the game by training with Doncaster.

"Football was always in the back of my mind. It was more natural for me and I was brought up with football and around football people," he said.

Britain's top tennis player Tim Henman
Boulding once roomed with Tim Henman

"When Mansfield offered me a trial and then a contract I had a five-minute chat with my dad and decided to accept it."

"Now I can stay at home and I'm not constantly jumping on planes and suffering with jet lag.

Boulding does not regret the time he spent playing tennis but knows he has missed out on a footballing education.

Highlights so far include playing in the Worthington Cup win over Liverpool and he is keen to cram as much as possible into the current season.

"I really, really enjoyed the tennis and it was a great experience for me," said Boulding.

"But obviously I've lost number of years in football and I want to make up for lost time.

"I'm eager to learn. I want to improve and reach the highest possible level."

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