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Last Updated: Wednesday October 01 2008 14:11 GMT

Film review: WALL-E



It's a U.

The stars

There are barely any human voices in WALL-E, so the real star is WALL-E himself.

The plot

Hundreds of years into the future, mankind have abandoned Earth because we polluted it so much and left so much rubbish lying around.

WALL-E is the last remaining robot, whose job it is to clean up after us. He works all day and watches musicals by night, with only a cockroach for a friend.

That's until EVE arrives, a robot who has been sent to see if any life has returned to Earth. She's sleek, speedy and much more glam than a cockroach. WALL-E falls for her, but suddenly, she's taken away from him...

Best bits

Hard to say. Pretty much everything in this flick is a delight to see, hear and love. The backgrounds are so lush they look real, not animated. WALL-E is hilarious - every twitch, bleep and stumble is comic genius.

But my top sequence was simply the little droid going about his daily chores - especially the bit with the fire extinguisher.

The plot makes you think, too, with powerful messages about the environment and making the most out of our lives.

Fave characters

WALL-E is the obvious choice, but there's a heap of funny smaller parts, like the little robot who can't stand dirt.

Any weak bits?

It would be easy to say no, so I will. It's all good. Watch it!

Hit or miss?

Top class, hilarious, heart-warming hit.

NR rating:

NR rating

This reviews page is now closed. Here are some of the reviews you sent in.

Your Comments

"I think IT IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!! WALL-E is so cute and then he falls in love - so sweet! I'll tell my grandchildren about this film!"

Yoyo, 11, London, England

"I think it was sooo cute! I could understand it so much better with the lack of dialogue. It's a must-see movie!"

Flossie, 13, Cornwall, England

"This movie was a very good film. I have never seen a film quite like it - I mean, since when do you get to see a film that has a robot feeling all kinds of emotion and stuff? I think it's great and for all ages. It really warmed my heart because it's sweet, especially when WALL-E would do anything to win EVE's heart. I give this movie a 10/10."

Heather, 13, Texas, USA

"This film is BORING. I hate films that have no talking in. To enjoy this film you have to really concentrate on it. I wouldn't tell anyone else to watch WALL-E."

Emma, 13, Preston, England

"Loved it!! It's such a brilliant film. It may be better for older children as the plot may be too grown up and they may find it boring, but I totally loved it and WALL-E is so cute!!"

Sarah, 14, Manchester, England

"WALL-E is DEFINITELY worth watching! For all ages and how can you resist his looks? He adorable!!! I just wanna hug him! And it's very funny! The fat people are hilarious! It definitely carries out an important message! Watch it to found out what! WATCH IT!"

Sophie, 12, UK

"WALL-E is inspirational. It says that you can make friends even if you are the last thing on Earth that is living. He followed his dreams; that's why I like WALL-E!"

Ellyn, 10, Lincoln, England

"I love WALL-E, he's so cute! The special effects in this film are amazing and mixed with the comedy side it's an all round brilliant family film, you should go and see it!"

Jessica, 13, Bridgend, Wales

"I thought WALL-E was so cute, and it had some important messages 9/10."

Isobel, 9, Manchester, England

"I thought it was really funny but at the same time it was really emotional at the end. It is a big hit and if you miss it you will be missing out on a lot."

Maddie, 11, St Albans, England

"I thought it was very good. The film begins well with WALL-E going about his normal routine for what seems like a long time. Luckily, before this becomes tiresome the plot develops and while there is little dialogue (which some may find frustrating), it is a truly wonderfully made film. The only thing that I wasn't to keen on was the constant environment message which could have been toned down a little."

Owen, 14, UK

"BORING! This film is aimed at children my age but it didn't appeal to me. It was a bit soppy at the end and I like comedy so it was not the film for me!"

Elliott, 10, Devon, England

"I thought that WALL-E was a film of fantasy and action, 10/10, film of the year."

Jude, 9, London, England

"I went in expecting a movie to entertain young kids and no-one else. But the whole feature was so amazing and well put-together I felt enlightened. No matter who you are, for your sake, just please go and watch it, because it's one of the best things you'll ever do."

Charlie, 13, Hertfordshire, England


Jack, 9, Leicestershire, England

"BORING !!!!! No talking and the storyline didn't flow. The only positive is it gets across two very important messages: littering and obesity. 4/10!"

Rebecca, 11, Northampton, England

"I looooooooooove WALL-E!!! He is so sweet and hilariously stupid; it's so funny! His romance with EVE is original and meant-to-be."

Matt, 11, Derby, England

"Although sweet, it is very difficult to understand anything as he doesn't speak. Though the animation is good it is very boring..."

Amy, 11, Watford, England

"It's great - they have packed everything in it so anyone can enjoy it!!!"

Lara, 10, Essex, England

"I agree that it was a really good film. But 30 minutes into the film, having heard very little sound of any sort, you began to wonder whether it had been written by a fan of those old silent movies. I'm not saying this is a bad thing; it's just different and I didn't expect it. But it is a really heart-warming family film. Well done, Disney Pixar!"

Chloe, 12, Sheffield, England

"WALL-E is a good, well made film and it makes you think about the future. WALL-E has funny bits and sad bits. A good film for all ages."

Aliyah, 12, High Wycombe, England

"I looooooooooove WALL-E!!! He is so sweet and hilariously stupid; it's so funny! His romance with EVE is original and meant-to-be."

Matt, 11, Derby, England

"Although sweet, it is very difficult to understand anything as he doesn't speak. Though the animation is good it is very boring..."

Amy, 11, Watford, England

"WALL-E and Eve are really interesting and cute characters. I loved the start of the film and the end made me cry, but the middle dragged a bit. My younger brother gave it 10/10 and I would give it 8/10."

Hannah, 10, UK

"I think it was a bit long, which is OK if it's exciting. I'm not saying it wasn't, but I'm not saying it was, either. The beginning was boring enough, because all they did was go: "WALL-E!" "EVA!" But it's worth watching because the middle was soo funny!!!!! The end was good, and I liked watching it, but only the middle and the end. GO AND SEE IT!!!"

Katie, 9, St Albans, England

"I was hoping to see WALL-E and I finally got the chance but I am sad to say it was the most boring few hours of my life. The storyline is quite weak and although the animation is impressive, it has to be the most boring film I have ever seen!"

Nicole, 13, London, England

"I thought it was really good and funny. It was great for all of the family and it sends out a good message about pollution."

George, 10, Chelmsford, England

"It was good, apart from there was no talking for about a quarter of an hour and then there was nothing but shouting. Overall it's a bit of an odd movie."

Ewan, 10, Edinburgh, England

"At first I thought Wall-E would be useless, but when I saw it I nearly cried out laughing, especially when Wall-E had the fire extinguisher. And I thought it was one of the funniest films I have ever seen. I would give it ten out of ten!"

Daniel, 11, Ireland

"You know... I was thinking about what the film would be like before I watched it. I heard that it had a love story and all it would be is WALL-E stood there staring at a stupid white robot, but then I watched it... IT WAS THE BEST FILM OF 2008, EVEN 2009, 10, 11, 12! You. Must. Watch."

Maxi, 11, Cumbria, England

"I went to go and see WALL-E with my dad. It was really interesting to go and see. I thought it was boring in parts but overall it was a rather sweet love story."

Amy, 9, West Sussex, England

"I went to see WALL-E expecting a funny, light-hearted kids film - not! The film was dark with little humour and never really seemed to get going! I thought the plot was good but weak and was not portrayed enough. The film also cleverly exaggerates green issues, trying to put across a message. Overall, it's not the sort of film I would watch over and over again as I found it rather dull. I feel it could have been made so much more enjoyable!"

Sophie, 14, Cornwall, England

"I loved WALL-E SO much. Me and my best friend went to see it together; it was wicked. I really loved the way he was so curious, just like me! It made me laugh in parts and want to cry in others and I didn't mind who saw me! It was the best film that was animated this year - NO, this DECADE!!!! It rocked my world and it will rock yours, too!"

Emily, 11, Surrey, England

"I thought WALL-E was very confusing. It didn't explain anything. It was all this and that then something else just came on to the screen without explanation again and again until we were all in a muddle."

Stephanie, 10, Basingstoke, England

"I'm sorry to say that this film was the most boring film I've ever seen. It had no storyline and was very slow starting."

Jazmin, 13, England

"This is an excellent film and it made me and my younger brothers laugh as well. Good family fun!"

Emilie, 10, London, England

"I went into it expecting a comedic CGI film, but what I didn’t expect it to be was a light comedy film with a serious tone (and message some people have managed to be offended by) and a sweet love story unravelled at the centre of it. The film manages to convey emotions and a plot that drew me in for the most joyful hour and a half I can recall. The ending of the film brought a tear to my eye and then left me with a warm feeling that I’ve never had from a film before."

Jack, 11, Yorkshire, England

"Boring? This film is AWESOME. To says it's babyish you'd have to have a heart made of stone. WALL-E gets a 10/10, ALWAYS."

Sam, 12, UK

"I went to see WALL-E and I didn't expect to enjoy it to begin with but when I started to watch it I was sucked into it. It was brilliant! The plot was so good, but also made you think about landfill sites and obesity and if you haven't seen it YOU HAVE TO! RIGHT NOW. It is amazing - ask your parents if they will take you or even go with your mates."

Jessi, 11, Milton Keynes, England

"WALL-E was rubbish, I've never seen such a boring film! It didn't have any storyline; but don't get me wrong, it could be quite funny and cute sometimes. But overall, it really wasn't very good!"

Megan, 10, Stockton, England

"I thought WALL-E's backgrounds had very impressive animation. I thought it was a very amusing and entertaining movie, but hasn't been my favourite so far. Even though WALL-E was my obvious favourite character I also liked the foreign contamination robot. An overall rating of 9/10."

Lauren, 10, Glasgow, Scotland

"Great film; makes you think about the future of the world and all the rubbish being thrown away. Good for all ages, from my little four-year-old cousin to my gran. We ALL loved it."

Kate, 11, Bristol, England

"A very interesting film and it's good as it makes people open their eyes about what's going on at the moment: waste filling up the world and us sitting in chairs talking to people on things like computers, phones and texting. It was exaggerated, but effective. A good comedy romance story; a must-see!"

Jack, 10, Watford, England

"I thought it was really good. It wasn't Pixar's best movie, but it was still really good. WALL-E is so cute and we quote him lots!!"

Rosie, 12, Lincolnshire, England

"Definitely not a 5/5. It was good, but too hard and weak a storyline for the age group it's aimed at. I enjoyed it, but wouldn't buy it. "

Izzy, 13, Birmingham, England

"150/10. Platinum award. 20 stars. You get the picture. WALL-E has a really clear story plan - look after the Earth or soon there won't be one. WALL-E is really original, funny, romantic and sweet. My favourite character was definitely WALL-E. 150/10. A summer must-see."

Fyffe, 11, Leicester, England

"WALL-E is really funny. I think that it encourages younger people to use rubbish again and not waste things."

Bethany, 9, Newcastle, England

"I loved WALL-E; the message was good, the characters were funny and the animation was AMAZING!!! I would recommend this movie to everyone who likes to laugh, but think at the same time."

Lola, 10, Las Vegas, USA

"WALL-E is very funny and I like the makers' view on the world in the future. Even though it has hardly any speech (not that you notice), it doesn't matter and I think if it did, it might ruin it. Fun for all ages."

Bella, 13, Cambridgeshire, England

"WALL-E is a film that could have been improved by the action, dialogue and story! It was good, but I would not buy it!!!"

Emma, 10, Bromsgrove, England

"I thought it was a very good film. You want to take WALL-E home with you when you leave the cinema. It was quite funny, too."

Josh, 10, UK

"I think that it is worth people under 10 watching it because it can be a bit babyish and I asked my mum if it was nearly finished after about half an hour. But I think WALL-E is sweet and generous. I think that the film WALL-E is fine to watch, but I'd give it 8/10 because it was a bit babyish."

Megan, 7, Stockport, England

"WALL-E is a brilliant film! It has a true feeling of what the Earth will be like if we don't look after it. I think it is the best Pixar film brought out yet!!!"

Rachael, 11, Blackburn, England

"I thought WALL-E was OK although it did have a very slow start. I even asked my mum if it was nearly finished after 20 minutes!"

Caitlin, 8, London, England

"This film is terrible. It is really boring and has no storyline."

Kevin, 13, Northern Ireland

"WALL-E is good to watch. Although there is only WALL-E at the beginning, it gets better. It is a great film but I reckon people over the age of 13 will think it is babyish. But why should it not be a good film to watch? It is very imaginative."

Tessa, 11, Suffolk, England

"There were funny parts, sad parts and happy parts, but altogether it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!"

Kalya and Victoria, 11, Edinburgh, Scotland

"I think that WALL-E is one funny film and good for the family to see."

Gurpreet, 9, Leicester, England

"It looks good but it isn't. My nephew and niece though it was great but I thought it was boring!!! I recommend it for extremely young children!!!"

Lewis, 11, Caerphilly, Wales

"I think people who found it boring were thinking too much on the message. It wasn't lecturing us; it was just a film about a robot! Personally, I loved it and the animation was great!"

Ellie, 12, Leicester, England

"WALL-E is AWESOME; I'm not just saying that. I could watch it again and again and never get bored. Eve is so cool and she and WALL-E are the best Pixar characters in the world. Also the short film before it was HILARIOUS! WALL-E took me through space and let me see the stars!"

Alice, 10, London, England

"I thought that it was a great hit with me and the two friends I went to see it with. It's definitely a must-see for this summer. We all couldn't stop laughing the whole way through. I have now seen it twice; once on the day of the release and earlier on today. I would rate it 10 out of 10."

Emma, 9, St Albans, England

"It was great! It has a true feeling of what Earth will be like if we don't look after it."

Beth, 10, Kent, England

"WALL-E is a great film; I loved it. It's funny, romantic and shocking and the voices are great."

Jaxon, 11, Staffordshire, England

"I thought it was absolutely fantastic because it has an environmental message. Anybody who likes art, check out the credits!"

Maisie, 10, Angus, Scotland

"It was just great. It really makes you see what is happening to our earth. I especially like WALL-E. If you have not seen it yet - see it NOW."

Emma, 10, Sunderland, England

"I was thoroughly disappointed. In my opinion, it has a weak storyline and has been highly overrated. I have got to admit that the animation is amazing, though, and the film has a message that is very clear - we have to take care of our planet."

Gemma, 12, Stockport, England

"It was so boring. Our parents fell asleep. Do not recommend it to your friends. We can't believe the hype; it's totally overrated."

Jess, 7 and Liam, 11, Brighton, England

"WALL-E is good. Not bad, but not great. It really made me think about what is happening to our world."

Ruth, 11, Norwich, England

"To be honest with you, it was the worst, most boring, childish, annoying and disturbing film I have ever seen. I fell asleep half way through it."

Adam, 11, Solihull, England

"WALL-E is an amazing film for all ages with a strong message about what humans will become if we carry on living like we are, and with a funny side as well. My Mum even loved it, and my Dad didn't want to come and see it because it was animated, but now he really wishes he'd come with us!"

Ella, 12, London, England

"I think it was funny in bits, but it was a bit childish and I wasn't so keen. The adverts were much better than the actual film."

Hannah, 11, Huddersfield, England

"An absolutely amazing film. The first 45 minutes or so have very little speech but it doesn't matter as it has you absolutely spellbound. The film is amazing and is easily the best of the summer blockbusters."

Callum, 13, Leicester, England

"It shows what the Earth will look like in the future if we pollute the Earth and don't recycle. Great film. Lots of romance, emotional but really funny! 10/10."

Liam, 11, Derbyshire, England

"I think WALL-E is worth watching, because it is really funny and I liked it. It is a bit sad but it was still great."

Paige, 10, Surrey, England

"I loved Wall- E! It is really fun to watch, but also opens our eyes to what will become of the planet if we don't recycle!"

Beth, 13, Liverpool, England

"WALL-E is just the cutest little robot! He is just so cuuuute! I thought it was so cute every time he tried to reach out and touch Eve's hand! 10/10!"

Emma, 12, Manchester, England

"I think Wall-E is for younger children than me. I have seen it twice and I think it was funny, but I would say it was rated at around 6/10."

Becci, 11, Shrewsbury, England

"It is the best film ever. It was so emotional all the way through and I cried all the time! It was also really funny! I would watch Wall-E a million times over and never get tired of it."

Rhiannon, 9, Hertfordshire, England

"I thought Wall-E was very good. It was quite funny in parts, but some bits were also quite sad."

Paige, 9, Belfast

"Wall-E is a cute film. I think it is suitable for anyone to watch because it is universal. If I was asked to give Wall-E a score I would give it 10 out of 10."

Billie, 8, Manchester, England

"I watched Wall-E last night at the cinema and it was great, really funny and quite romantic in places too. It also has an unexpected plot in the middle and end!"

Serena, 11, Carmarthenshire

"I think it's a great film showing us how to look after the planet and the funniest part of the film is when Eve is chasing WALL-E in space."

Daniel, 8, Horsham, England

"I think Wall-E is really good, because it is funny and it is a love story and I love, love stories."

Eleanor, 10, Stafford, England

"I thought Wall-E was really CUTE!!! It is so funny and I can't believe people don't like it! My fave characters are Eve and Wall-e! I would go see it again and I think anybody who hasn't seen it should go see it! Wall-E, you ROCK!!!!!!!!"

Claire, 12, Sheffield, England

"WALL-E is the latest must-see Sci-Fi film. It grabs your heart with many emotions: sadness, happiness, suspense even! WALL-E is very well done, so I INSIST you have to watch it!"

Isobel, 11, Hersham, England

"The film was amazing! I mean, with humans it would of been boring but with the robots it is cute, funny, romantic and action packed."

Peter, 10, Ruislip, England

"WALL-E is a great family film. I would recommend it to everyone! It's a really sweet film full of fun, romance and humour. I would rate it 10/10 without a doubt."

Daisy, 12, Sheffield, England

"WALL-E was a great movie. I really thought I wasn't going to like it and that it was going to be boring, but I was so wrong! I loved it and I didn't suspect it to have an ending like that!"

Kaeli, 10, Solihull, England

"This movie gives out a lot of messages to people who don't even realise it. One of them is don't be wasteful, work together and help each other to make the world a better place."

Rachel, 11, Portsmouth, England

"Great movie but there was no talking for the first 45 mins. I loved the little no-dirt-obsessed robot and Eve is really cute. I say only go and watch it if you like Disney, kiddie movies. 9/10!"

Kat, 12, Powys, Wales

"WALL-E is a great film. Funny, romantic, cute, the lot!"

Beth, 10, Chesterfield, England

"I think it's a good and funny family film."

Trinity, 8, Devon, England

"I think WALL-E is worth watching because it sends out a message to keep our planet clean."

Fernando, 9, London, England

"WALL-E is a very well-made film and has a great storyline. But it doesn't have many characters."

Jack, 8, Swindon, England

"A bit too boring for me. It could be funny but it never grabbed my attention. It was the only thing on but I would have preferred staying at home! It did have a good moral, though."

Bethany, 12, Bradford, England

"Is it for 3 year olds? It was so boring."

Rosie, 12, Hampshire, England

"A heart-warming film. A MUST SEE."

Lauren, 10, London, England

"I have been to see WALL-E and it was great. It was funny and emotional at the same time! It's definitely worth your time."

Nick, 11, Cardiff, Wales

"It was OK, not the best but not the worst. Sometimes it was a little bit boring, some times it was quite funny, some bits were quite good. Not the best though."

Rob, 10, Cambridge, England

"I was kind of forced to see it at my local cinema and I was really bored by it - the story was quite weak. There were a few funny comments, but I was really bored by it."

Michael, 11, Harlow, England

"WALL-E is just brilliant. Out of 10 I give it 10! WALL-E and Eve are so cute! Brilliant film!"

Georgia, 9, Kent, England

"It's a really great movie, my favourite character is the little robot who is obsessed with cleaning! That one is so cute! Oh and WALL-E is really cute too! It's one of the best movies I've ever seen! If you haven't seen it go see it and if you have, go see it again! When my friend wanted to see it with me I didn't want to see it, but then I loved it as you can tell!!"

Isabel, 12, Santa Barbara, USA

"WALL-E was a funny film and my favourite bit was when WALL-E said his name to Eve it that strange voice."

Cameron, 8, Suffolk, England

"WALL-E is great, I love it! I would see it again and again, it's definitely worth watching."

Courtney, 12, Sunderland, England

"Some people say it was boring, well it wasn't. If you said it was you must have been asleep! It was great. 10 out of 10!"

Katie, 10, York, England

"This is the kind of movie I like to see. WALL-E is the best movie. It makes us think about the two most important things in life: love and what is happening to the earth. 5***** stars."

Niky, 10, Wolverhampton, England

"I find WALL-E really boring. There wasn't much speaking but it had a good message about recycling."

Sarah, 9, Hertfordshire, England

"WALL-E is the best film I have seen. WALL-E is sooo cute and the sound effects are Great! WALL-E'S personality is so sweet. IT IS A MUST SEE FILM!!"

Lily, 11, Weybridge, England

"I thought it was really boring! I thought I would have been better than it actually was! But I still think WALL-E is really cute."

Caitlin, 11, Falkirk, Scotland

"What a rubbish movie! There was no storyline whatsoever and everything was everywhere!"

Megan, 10, Teesside, England

"I found it boring... It didn't really have a strong story line. I only really found the cleaning robot and the pizza plant funny. WALL-E is a sweet robot but i think that if you are over 8 or 9 you wouldn't enjoy it."

Elly, 12, London, England

"WALL-E is one of the best films I have ever seen. It is hilarious, exciting, heart-warming... the list could go on for ages!"

Isabel, 11, Maidenhead, England

"This movie is very environmental and has very romantic parts in it. I think we could do with these robots soon."

Owen, 10, Newcastle, England

"Brill. Totally 5 stars; you have to watch it. Well worth waiting in line."

Jaxom, 12, Plymouth, England

"I think WALL-E is a great film; however, the first part was a little boring and it went on forever but otherwise definitely a HIT!"

Georgia, 13, Newport, Wales

"WALL-E is a great film to see if you are looking for a laugh out loud experience so enjoy the film and have a good time!"

Morgan, 10, Caerphilly, Wales

"It was a bit boring at first but then as it went on and I started to pick up the storyline it was really good. Exciting, funny and totally cute."

Heather, 11, Derbyshire, England

"I think it was a great movie! It has a powerful message to teach people of all ages about what could happen to our planet! SEE IT!!!!!!!"

Mira, 11, Chicago, USA

"It's brilliant. The noises the robots make are better than actual voices."

Ellie, 11, Swindon, England

"It was a bit boring. My favourite characters are WALL-E and Eve. It shows a really good understanding of how we should look after our planet."

Aimee, 8, London, England

"I didn't like the movie at all. It was sooo boring; I left halfway through. I wouldn't say go and see it."

Abi, 12, Sutton Coldfield, England

"I loved it. It was a bit boring for the first bit where no-one spoke , but it was brill!"

Ellen, 12, Stoke-on-Trent, England

"It was brilliant!"

Amy, 9, Watford, England

"I think WALL-E is very funny and I think he is really cute when he tries to save Eve. I also think that the captain was really funny and so was the cleaning robot."

Sarah, 13, England

"To be honest, it wasn't very good. It had no story line and structure to it. I don't know why everyone likes it so much. I think that nearly any film has to beat it."

Juliet, 11, London, England

"I think it is really funny and it is a super way of getting the message out about pollution. 20/10!"

Jennifer, 10, Glasgow, Scotland

"I really didn't enjoy it, I got really bored!!!"

Emilie, 13, Crewe, England

I've watched it over and over again! My fave bit of the movie was when Mo (the small cleaning droid), had to keep cleaning up Wall-e's tracks."

Ethan, 9, Rugby, England

"I think the film was excellent. I thought the robots were really good. Wall-e is my favourite character. I think it was nice that Wall-e found somebody to share his life and love with."

Daniel, 9, London, England

"There's nothing else left to say: WALL-E is an incredibly fantastic film."

Likon, 10, London, England

"WALL-E is without a doubt the funniest film I have ever seen! It's so lively and weird at the same time!"

Lucy, 11, London, England

"WALL-E is the best film I have watched in ages. It is sad at times but is so heart-warming and funny!"

Cleopatra, 12, Nottingham, England

"I love WALL-E. It's the best movie ever, and I hope there is a Wall-e 2!!! My favourite characters are, WALL-E , Eve and the cleaning robot"

Lauren, 12, Rothwell, England

"I think the film is good and is trying to give out a message about our environment and how we should look after it."

Ryan, 11, London, England

"Wall-E is a heart warming film from Disney Pixar! It's also funny and serious at the same time! It makes you think about what we may become if we do carry on polluting the planet!"

Aaron, 13, Liverpool, England

"It's so cool. WALL-E is a hilarious little robot. He can never stay out of trouble!"

George, 10, Swindon, England

"WALL-E is really cute but the film is really boring."

Sureya, 8, Cardiff, England

"WALL-E is amazing. I think it is the best Disney Pixar film. I saw it the second day it came out. Anyone who has not seen it HAS to see it. It is very funny but also makes you think about the planet and how we are wrecking it."

Georgia, 8, Bradford, England

"I thought it was excellent. It made me laugh in some parts and I think it's the best movie by Disney Pixar. ***** Five stars."

Beth, 12, Leicester, England

"I went to see WALL-E and I think is one of the best films I have ever seen. It also teaches you a lesson: that we should tidy up our planet a bit more. I also like the way there is very little talking in it. All round, it is a really five star film."

Sam, 14, Cambridge, England

"WALL-E was absolutely brilliant! 10/10! The idea was so original and WALL-E is so cute and funny! I would vote it the best film of the year so far and I would definitely go to see it again!"

Paige, 12, Liverpool, England

"Best Disney Pixar film yet. It's cute, funny, exciting and romantic. My fave character is Eve!"

Harriet, 10, Stockport, England

"I started crying at the end! It is a MUST SEE MOVIE. It beats Mamma Mia!!"

Rachel, 9, Glasgow, Scotland

"I went to see this in America and loved it! The message is clear in this movie: if we don't clean up our act and help save our planet then we could lose it! This was really well done and even though there wasn't really any dialogue for the first hour you were still riveted! This is Disney Pixar's best work yet."

Rachel, 12, Belfast, Northern Ireland

"I looovvvveee WALL-E. It's a great film and it's really original because there's practically no dialogue, and there's no film quite like it! Everyone should watch it!"

Matt, 11, Derby, England

"It's ACE. He's so sweet, especially when he goes 'WALL-E' in a cute voice."

Jordan, 9, Wakefield, England

"WALL-E is a funny and romantic film by Disney Pixar. It's my favourite yet. WALL-E meets a robot called Eve who helps WALL-E on his journey."

Leah, 9 Blackburn, England,

"I think this movie is funny and I think WALL-E is so cute. This is a must-see movie."

Chloe, 11, Northern Ireland,

"I think the film was really funny and very exciting at the same time."

Jessie, 10,Washington DC, USA

"I love this film! I had to go see it with my cousin and didn't really want to see it , but when I did it was the best."

Ellie, 12, Suffolk, England

"I think this movie is really good. It's showing that if you're alone there will still always be someone there to protect you."

Ridge, 11, Auckland, New Zealand

"It was really good! We went to see a preview. WALL-E is really cute! Especially when he says Eve's name! AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! It is definitely a must-see movie! It was BRILLIANT!!"

Helena, 12, London, England

"It was a really funny film. WALL-E is so sweet! It was a must-see! I wish everyone cared for the world as much as him!"

Millie, 9, London, England

"This is the cutest movie ever!!! I love every character and the story is just so amazing. GO SEE IT!"

Olivia, 12, New York, USA